2024-2025 Family Giving
SRFACS is a dependent charter school within Santa Rosa City Schools and like all California public schools we rely on state funding to operate. SRFACS is committed to providing bilingual education accredited by the French Ministry of Education in addition to the State of California; however, state funding alone is not sufficient to provide for the entirety of our unique program. We rely on donations from families and our community to directly support critical needs such as: teacher visas, our French accreditation, supplemental tutoring, student supplies, field trips, teacher development opportunities, new technology needs, interns, and teacher aides. Donations also support infrastructural needs of our school and new projects like our STEAM Lab and school garden.
We don’t have multiple fundraisers throughout the year and won’t be asking your kids to sell wrapping paper or participate in fund raising walk-a-thons, etc. Instead, we rely on our Family Giving Campaign to provide the needed funds to support our school and keep our unique program running smoothly. We’re asking for a donation of $700 per student, which you can donate at once or split into monthly installments. Our overall goal as a school is to raise $100,000 this year. Please don't feel obligated to give more than you are able; however, if you can please give in any amount to help support our school.
Feel free to share this with extended family members and friends and invite them to donate whatever amount they wish in support of your child’s unique education opportunities. There is also a link to create your own fundraising page to share through Facebook or other social media sites.
Thank you!